Sawan Gas Field Development
OMV Pakistan
Start date
Jun. 14, 2001
Scope of work

Clough completed the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) contract for Phase 1 and Phase 2 for the Sawan Greenfields gas processing plant, located in the Thar Desert of Pakistan’s Sindh Province approximately 300 kilometres north of Karachi, Pakistan.

The project involved tie-in works at four production wells, a central processing plant (CPP), over 20 kilometres of duplex flowlines linking the production wells to the CPP;  20 kilometres of sales gas export pipeline, design and construction of accommodation blocks; recreational and support facilities; a 20 kilometre access road; a 1.6 kilometre long airstrip with passenger handling and communications facilities (all suitable for F27 and C130 aircraft) and the installation of four 240 US gallons per minute (USGM) permanent bore and a water supply pipeline, necessary to meet the plant’s water requirements for the 25 year design life.

Phase 1 also involved the commissioning, start up and operations procedures, training, start up with client operations people, maintenance procedures and establishment of maintenance programmes.
170 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), the Sawan gas field had proven gas reserves of 1,120 billion cubic feet (BCF). 

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