Robe River Railway Bridge
Robe River Mining Company
Western Australia, Australia
Start date
Jun. 14, 1992
Scope of work

Clough completed the construction of a bridge for Robe River Mining, located at Pannawonica, in Western Australia.

The project was divided into two contracts, one for the foundations and a second for the bridge superstructure. 

The foundation contract involved driving forty-four 610 mm diameter steel piles using a Delmag D62 diesel pile driving hammer and specialised pile drilling equipment. Dynamic testing techniques were employed to ensure that pile load capacities were reached. A mobile batching plant on site provided concrete for the reinforced concrete pile caps at the two abutments and the nine pier locations. 

The superstructure contract involved 2.2 m diameter tubular steel columns and 10 sets of twin fabricated welded plate girders, each 30 m long. Reinforced concrete abutments, wing walls and run-on slabs were constructed at each abutment and backfilled to the final railway formation level.

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