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Clough completed a contract for the design, procurement, construction, and commissioning of a expansion of the Wesfarmers’ Kwinana liquid petroleum gas (LPG) plant.
The project also involved the construction of a new gas train and debottlenecking of sections of the existing plant. This included building a new liquids extraction plant capable of recovering LPG from 120 terajoules per day (Tj/d) of natural gas with a liquids recovery rate in excess of 97%. The new plant was interconnected with the existing utilities and fractionation facilities.
The project works involved civil, electrical, instrumentational, mechanical design, and the procurement of a turbine driven compressor; a turbo expander; heat exchangers (platefin shell and tube and air cooled); columns; vessels; cryogenic pumps and pipework.
Total processing capacity of the LPG facility was increased to 500Tj/d, whilst maintaining production through the existing fractionation section.