Muja Power Station
State Energy Commission of Western Australia
Western Australia, Australia
Start date
Jan 14, 1962
Scope of work

Clough completed the civil works contract for the Muja Power Station, located in Western Australia. 

The project involved the delivery of; 
•     Earthworks
•     Drainage, including wastewater ponding
•     Sewerage, including treatment plant
•     Water supply, including a 45,460 kilolitre storage facility
•     Cooling water system, including ducts and cooling towers
•     Switchyard and station foundation work
•     Turbo-alternator bases and monoliths
•     Coal handling and storage system civil works.

For this project, Clough mixed and placed over 38,000 m³ of concrete. The company also installed
approximately 10 km x 1.8 m diameter concrete pipes in trenches up to 7 m deep.

Project in numbers
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