The Clough Foundation is pleased to announce that it has renewed its partnership with the Clontarf Foundation.
Clough CEO and Clough Foundation Director Peter Bennett said: “The Clough Foundation and Clontarf Foundation have been working together since 2014 and we are proud to say that our continued support brings education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects to young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men around Australia.”
Clontarf Foundation CEO Gerard Neesham said: “2021 is shaping up as another exciting year for Clontarf as we continue our expansion phase around the country. We are extremely proud and appreciative of the Clough Foundation for renewing our long-term partnership and staying with us on the journey.”
The Clontarf Foundation operates 123 academies in WA, NT, QLD, NSW, VIC and SA, supports more than 9,000 participants and employs over 475 dedicated staff members.
Using the existing passion that young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys have for sport allows Clontarf to initially attract them to school, and then keep them coming. It is, however, not a sporting programme – it’s about developing the values, skills and abilities that will assist the boys to transition into meaningful employment and achieve better life outcomes.
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About Clontarf Foundation
The Clontarf Foundation operates 138 academies in WA, NT, Qld, NSW, Vic and SA, and supports over 10,000 young men including 935 year 12 students.
Using supportive relationships, a welcoming environment and a diverse range of activities, the young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men that participate in the Clontarf program develop improved self-esteem and confidence which assists them to participate in education, employment and society in a positive way.
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