The Clough Foundation is pleased to announce it has renewed its partnership with the Clontarf Foundation.
Clough CEO and Clough Foundation Director Peter Bennett said: “The Clough Foundation has been working with Clontarf Foundation since 2014 and we are proud to continue supporting their programs to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men around Australia and prepare them to participate meaningfully in society.”
Clontarf Foundation CEO Gerard Neesham said: “We thank Clough Foundation for their continued support and are looking forward to working together to deliver positive outcomes for the 9,000 boys in our 119 academies across the country.”
The Clontarf Foundation uses a unique, innovative and highly successful approach to target one of the most at risk groups in contemporary Australian society – young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.
Using the existing passion that these boys have for sport allows Clontarf to initially attract them to school, and then keep them coming. It is, however, not a sporting programme – it’s about developing the values, skills and abilities that will assist the boys to transition into meaningful employment and achieve better life outcomes.
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