Perdaman Urea Liaison Stakeholder Committee


Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd are the owners of Project CERES, which shall be one of the world’s largest gas stream ammonia-urea plants.. The plant is located within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area, Burrup Peninsula, approximately 10 km from Dampier and 20 km north-west of Karratha on the Northwest coastline of Western Australia.

Saipem Clough Joint Venture (SCJV), are the exclusive Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor for the development of the plant. The EPC contract is expected to be completed by mid-2027. Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilizers Pty Ltd will then take responsibility of the plant. 

SCJV is committed to meeting with the Community and Stakeholders in accordance with our Community Engagement and Indigenous Participation Plan (CEIPP) and our Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) through the establishment of the Perdaman Urea Liaison Stakeholder Committee (PULSC).

Access the Perdaman Urea Liaison Stakeholder Committee (PULSC) Meeting #1 Notes here

Read the PULSC Terms of Reference


Purpose and Role

The PULSC has been established to measure the accountability of the Project’s mitigation and management   strategies as outlined in the Social and Environmental Impact Management Plans for the duration of the EPC contract.  The committee will provide transparency, accountability and build positive relationships working together to leverage each member’s expertise to facilitate communication, cooperation, and collaboration between SCJV, our Stakeholders and the Community.


The objectives of the PULSC are:

  • Provide community and business feedback on the project’s social and environmental impact performance.
  • Review the project’s performance in meeting its social and environmental impact commitments.
  • Provide advice to the project on issues requiring escalation and make requests to add additional opportunities and impacts to the project’s impact profile.
  • Provide advice to the project on any issue where the Chairperson believes community consultation has the potential to better inform project decision making. 

Duties and Responsibilities of the PULSC

To fulfil its objectives, members of the PULSC may:

  • Act as a point of contact for community members to raise concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback to SCJV in meeting its social and environmental impact commitments.
  • Advocate for the interests of the broader community, in your respective areas of expertise, when reviewing the social and environmental commitments.
  • Identify additional potential social impacts for the consideration of the project.  
  • Assist SCJV in keeping the local community and other stakeholders informed about the project by broadcasting non-confidential information via existing community and business networks. 
  • Respond within agreed timeframes to requests for information.
  • Encourage all members of the PULSC to present their views and respect their right to have different views.
  • Protect and preserve the confidentiality of any information provided when it is identified as being confidential.

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