HIsmelt Kwinana Plant Project
HIsmelt Corporation
Western Australia, Australia
Start date
Mar 14, 2002
Scope of work

Clough, in a joint venture with Kvaerner (KCJV), completed the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) contract for the for the HIsmelt Kwinana Plant project, located in Western Australia. 

The project involved the delivery a Central Ironmaking Unit (CIU), all utilities and plant infrastructure, the basic and detailed engineering for all civil works, electrical, instrumentation and control systems.

The project more specifically involved the procurement of select process equipment from technology package providers, fabrication of process vessels, structural steelwork and pipework was undertaken through construction contracts on a fabrication and erection basis, the construction packages included civil, mechanical/structural/piping fabrication and/or erection, and electrical installation for all plant areas. 

The project also involved overseeing the dismantling of the original pilot plant and refurbishment of select items of equipment for re-use in the new facility, industrial relations, safety program and site infrastructure management and operations and maintenance training for the equipment. 

The completed HIsmelt Kwinana Plant produced approximately 800,000 tonnes per annum of high-quality pig iron using low grade iron ore as feed stock.

Project in numbers
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