Each year, Clough celebrates the outstanding contributions of its long-serving team members. We would like to congratulate Amelia Ogilvie on an exceptional 15 Years with Clough. This is Amelia’s journey…
“My journey started with Clough as an engineering summer intern and I then joined the company as part of the Clough Graduate Program the following year. 15 years later I am still working for Clough, and it is fair to say there has not been a dull moment since.
The first project I worked on was the Kalgoorlie Reservoir Project and within a couple of months they needed an extra engineer on site, and I was given my first taste of FIFO and project life. I loved the responsibility, the pace and the camaraderie of the project team and felt a lot of satisfaction from being able to have such a direct impact on a project.
Since, I have been fortunate enough to work on a wide variety of iconic projects with Clough. Highlights include the Pluto LNG Jetty project in Karratha and the Ichthys LNG Jetty project in Darwin. I spent some time on the Gorgon LNG project, based in Perth initially and then in Leatherhead, England in the KBR office as part of the design team.
More recently I worked on the Mundaring Weir Outlet Works Upgrade, and it was extremely rewarding to work on a project which had so much historical significance and community importance. I am proud to have worked on projects in beautiful parts of Australia, in places that many people never choose to travel to and have had the opportunity to work and live in locations quite different to home such as the fabrication facilities in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Over a 15-year period, not only does your career develop and change, so does your personal life. I took some extended time off work to have my two little girls, now 4 and 6 years old, and I was able to take advantage of Clough’s generous paid parental leave entitlement (16 weeks). I had planned to return to work full time but after having the girls, well, plans changed… and Clough has been supportive of my move to part-time work.
I am now Perth based, 4 days a week in the office which I feel gives me the opportunity to take on a fulfilling role at work but still be home for a day to enjoy time with my youngest before she heads off to school.
I was worried about how much I would enjoy work when I knew I was leaving my precious girls at home, but I am happy to report that I am enjoying work more than I ever have. Having two little ones at home has meant I am now more efficient and has given me a healthy dose of perspective for what is important in life.
Over my 15 years, Clough has never shied away from handing down responsibility and I have often been encouraged to take on new roles outside my comfort zone. The hard work has been rewarded with some great opportunities.
I also recognise that, over time, Clough’s core principles have become more important to me, particularly the principle to ‘always do what’s right.’ I value Clough’s culture of respect and fairness and I am proud to work for a company that upholds these values and has this reputation.
Clough’s pioneering nature is also something I value. Today, I am proud to be part of Clough’s digital transformation. Clough is currently transforming the way we plan and execute work. When I first started as a field engineer my entire day was often filled with managing the paper-based forms and records. Now our supervisors and engineers leverage technology which improves the quality and quantity of data we capture and shifts the focus to analysing the data to manage performance in the field.
The industry has a lot to be gained by improving the productivity of our project teams. Clough is already on this path, and we have several significant technology projects underway to improve the way we plan and execute work. I cannot wait to see what value this delivers for us as we prepare to execute our upcoming projects.”