Our team working on Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Ltd (MEPAU) and Beach Energy Ltd’s Waitsia Gas Project Stage 2 has achieved its first major concrete pour and first structural steel erection on site!
The concrete pour was a 140m3 condensate storage slab and bund, which was followed later that same day by the first steel erection – this will form the main spine of the facility, a central ~200 metre pipe track weighing over 100 tonnes.
This milestone comes just 6 days after the first night of occupation at the recently completed Temporary Construction village.
With bulk earthworks and piling now nearing completion, the project ramps up and hits its next phase of self-perform structural, mechanical and piping construction work.
About the Project
In January 2021, Clough was awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) scope for the Waitsia Gas Project Stage 2 development in the northern Perth Basin, near the town of Dongara approximately 350km north of Perth and 65km south of Geraldton in Western Australia.
The Waitsia gas field is ranked one of the largest gas fields ever discovered onshore in Australia and it is forecasted to bring significant economic benefits to the Mid-West region from both construction and operating phases. The Waitsia Stage 2 project includes a new 250 TJ/day gas processing plant with a 20-year life-cycle that will convey gas via the nearby Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline.
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