Clough is proud to announce it has been granted the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for 2019-20 by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

Clough CEO and Managing Director Peter Bennett said: “It is a great honour to receive this citation and be recognised by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.  At Clough, we want to ensure that the engineering and construction industry provides a workplace where everyone feels valued through an inclusive environment that accepts every person, embracing their strengths and their differences, and providing opportunities for everyone to achieve their full potential. We are working hard to ensure our workplace culture embraces the expectations set by our society.”

John Galvin, Executive Vice President Australia and Asia Pacific commented: “This year, 119 organisations have met the high standards and rigorous assessment process required to become an EOCGE citation holder. Only a few organisations in the engineering and construction industry were granted the recognition this year and I’m proud to say that Clough is one of these.”

Since its inception in 2014, the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation has provided a rigorous and evidence-based guide for employers to chart a course towards achieving gender equality in their workplaces.

Trends among this year’s recipients include entrenching organisation-wide flexible work practices, tailored parental leave policies to support use by women and men, programs to increase the number of women in leadership, initiatives to support women to return to work, robust analysis and correction of gender pay gaps and increased accountability through reporting gender equality metrics to key management personnel and the Board.