Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Zelda, is well on her way, digging the northbound tunnel! Having disappeared into the ground earlier this month, she's already laid just over 100 meters worth of tunnel segments.

Zelda's journey to Bulleen is just getting started, with 6.5km ahead over the next few years. Stay tuned as the second mighty machine, TBM Gillian, prepares for her tunnelling journey!

The cut and cover box at the Trinity worksite is now complete at a depth of 20 metres, and the site is now in the hands of the Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) tunnelling team who will start excavation towards the Manningham site. Once complete, the tunnel will connect to the Eastern Freeway and the M80 Ring Road, transforming Melbourne's north east. 

Webuild, as part of the Spark Joint Venture, is delivering the North East Link tunnels for the Victorian government. The project will take 15,000 trucks off local roads every day and reduce travel times by up to 35 minutes for commuters. Once complete, it will be the longest road tunnel in Victoria.